Friday, June 28, 2002
» Nick Finck is the mastermind behind Digital-Web. The site is a treasure, a great resource, and the place that gave me my first writing gig. Right now, they're looking for some help in redesigning the page. While it doesn't pay, the exposure of having your name on a high-profile web magazine can't be beat. Want to help?
01:43 PM PST
Thursday, June 27, 2002
» I've been testing out the enhanced photo web site building capabilities of Adobe Photoshop 7.0. It'd be nice if there was some image manipulation capabilities built into it, though it is a definite improvement over Photoshop 6.0. Here's my Portland Pride Parade photo essay.
03:34 PM PST
Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Pride Parade, Portland Oregon
After driving the car for seven years, it looks like my Volvo ('Old Bessy' as my mom says) is finally being sold. I put 80,000 of its 136,000 miles on it, driving the highways of New Jersey and across the country twice. The car's been filled with skateboards on late night skate excursions, surfboards on trips down the NJ shore, snowboards, and everything I could stuff into it as we drove this past August to Portland.
I'll miss its wine-red exterior (the third of four wine-red Volvos my mom has bought), crazy tight turning radius, enormous trunk for storing aforementioned items, and especially its familiar comfy seats that feel like they've been fitted just for me.
10:31 PM PST
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
» Eugene Richards has a book coming out in September of 2002.
I've only really known about his work for the last couple of months, but seeing his photos has pushed me to get closer in every sense of the word.
10:45 AM PST
Tuesday, June 18, 2002
» Just finished up a web site for the Central American Solar Energy Project. They're an organization that empowers women in Central America by teaching them to build solar cookers (ovens that use the sun's heat), which eliminate the health and environmental problems caused by wood-burning ovens.
03:18 PM PST

Pride Parade, Portland.
02:20 PM PST
Thursday, June 13, 2002

Short Sand BeachWindows are shut, shades are down, yet around 1PM, I still felt the heat creeping in.
My thermostat reads 86 degrees.
We're setting records here, and I think it's time to go somewhere with air conditioning and wait it out.
03:14 PM PST
Sunday, June 9, 2002

'Plan Ahead' Washington, DC, 1999.
05:27 PM PST
Saturday, June 8, 2002
» Sam Abell is a longtime National Geographic photographer who has shot many famous stories for the magazine. He is soon to release a book called The Photographic Life.
There are many lessons to be learned in the photo outtakes that are here. One can see the sequence of photos he took before refining the details of the photograph and making the photograph that brings everything together. I find this photo beautiful in its backlit light, the nearly monochrome colors, and the silhouette of the father hunched over the boat and breaking the horizon.
10:59 PM PST

Photo projects have their own ebb and flow, and their direction is often determined by a series of small events that change your course, and send you towards places never previously considered.
But sometimes they feel still, like their movement has been arrested, and it takes an effort to find the subtle shifts that will one day seem profound, but on that day just seem like undercurrents moving slowly in a quiet room.
12:18 AM PST
Friday, June 7, 2002
» I've taken a few too many 16 hour bus rides through the night to think there would be much pleasure in Peter Mandel's trip.
12:48 PM PST
Tuesday, June 4, 2002
» Four stories behind photographs by photographers working for Outside Magazine. All of the photographs are good, Corey Rich's is the standout for me.
With such quality photographers working for the magazine, you would think that they would treat their photographers well. But, they don't. Outside Magazine is notorious for paying its photographers poorly, and very late.
02:18 PM PST
» Well... this site certainly looks familiar.
Even the text on the about page is directly lifted from here.
Of course, I wouldn't have known about any of this if he had remembered to remove the source code that references images on my site.
12:55 PM PST
» "In the end, this is the only way to go. It will not be easy - but the rewards will be worth it."
My grandpa followed a similar path to me- after graduating college, he had to make a decision about where to go with his life. He was offered work in hospitals (as a physical therapist), but made the decision that he wanted to be self-employed. I wrote him a couple of weeks ago, and sent along some paper clippings of some of my photography work. I received a letter back from him yesterday where he talked about this decision.
It's been more than 65 years since he was faced with these two paths, and chose to be his own boss, to work longer hours and accept both the rewards and challenges of this route. I often don't think about my past, and to hear my grandfather tell me about dealing with these same decisions that I'm making right now, and encouraging me to go forward, feels so supportive, and makes me more and more sure that I'm headed in the right direction.
10:35 AM PST