Tuesday, April 29, 2003
» "Officials inside government and advisers outside told ABCNEWS the administration emphasized the danger of Saddam's weapons to gain the legal justification for war from the United Nations and to stress the danger at home to Americans."
"We were not lying," said one official. "But it was just a matter of emphasis."
Are they kidding? It's not hard to speculate about the kind of foreign backlash that will weaken already tenuous relations with countries worldwide. Aw hell, only 631 days left.
10:19 PM PST
» Yeah we say making changes
Starts in the little things you do
"Revolution begins at home"
But for most of us it ends there, too
We're doing something
We're making changes
Like changing the kind of crap we buy
We say it makes a difference
But that's just another lie
Life During Wartime, written by Aaron Elliot, download new acoustic version here (by Billie Joe from Green Day).
04:15 PM PST

burnside skatepark
10:52 AM PST
Saturday, April 26, 2003

birthday girl breaking the piñata
11:21 PM PST
Friday, April 25, 2003

Miles away from anything but road and rolling hills, there were horses on the wrong side of the fence, pawing nervously along the side of the road as storm clouds moved in.
07:49 PM PST
Thursday, April 24, 2003
» Woah! Twenty minutes ago, the house sort of shook, which is a familiar feeling here, since the house tends to shake a bit when big trucks drive by. But apparently we had a 3.1 magnitude earthquake, which went on for about five seconds. I ran out with my camera, ready to record any damage/reactions, but found people walking around like nothing had happened, and in talking to a couple of people, none of them had felt anything. So much for a breaking news story.
12:59 PM PST
Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Balsamroot, north central Oregon country highway
09:28 PM PST
Thursday, April 17, 2003

from http://www.pdn-pix.com/news/dispatches/iraq/index.html
The American attack on the Palestine Hotel on April 8 killed 2 cameramen. Patrick Baz's account strongly suggests that the tank fire was unnecessary and based on completely false information.
10:27 AM PST
Thursday, April 10, 2003

K-Mart closing.
09:29 PM PST
Monday, April 7, 2003

Eugene Public Library
I just completed a new site for a law firm in Washington, DC. I did some intensive testing across browsers, but if anything looks weird on your monitor, I'd appreciate you letting me know (steve@stephenvoss.com).
09:49 AM PST