Friday, January 31, 2003
» A few new articles are up over at Imagestation, including Manual Focus, a brief description of File Formats, and some writing on this crazy Flash-enhanced photo album.
11:04 AM PST
Thursday, January 30, 2003

At the Oregon Zoo

travelling last summer
10:00 AM PST
Monday, January 20, 2003

Clearcut in NW Oregon
10:55 PM PST
» How about, instead of all these uninspiring WTC proposals by various famous architects, we look to Mr. Richard Linklater, who proposes in his movie "Live from Shiva's Dance Floor" that the space be turned in a 16 acre park with free-roaming bison.
09:35 PM PST
» "True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring."
- Martin Luther King
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did not spend his life campaigning singularly for Civil Rights, he also recognized the importance of economic rights, and spent much of his last years campaigning on behalf of poor (mostly white) people, a point that the media rarely mentions.
10:34 AM PST
Thursday, January 16, 2003
» Geoff Berner is so fantastic for playing accordion and singing beautiful songs. He has a new album, and a new web site that includes some new MP3s from "We Shall Not Flag or Fail, We Shall Go On To The End." Have a listen.
For more Geoff, this wide-ranging interview is entertaining.
03:03 PM PST
» It's been awhile since I've gotten back to Asbury Park and in that time after the skatepark shut down, a scene of sorts came together at an abandoned pool where countless sessions were held with locals and visiting pros. Sadly, it's no longer there.
12:25 PM PST
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
» Seeing photographs of places where other famous photographs were taken can be an illuminating experience. Ansel Adams' Clearing Winter Storm is echoed by Matt Haughey's photo 66 years later, while Michael Reichmann photographs the Snake River (about halfway down), as Ansel did in 1942.
05:21 PM PST
Monday, January 13, 2003

Mural in downtown York, PA
11:01 PM PST
Friday, January 10, 2003
» If there was ever a reason to travel to Canada, this is it. Mike Watt, of the Minutemen and other legendary bands will be having a book release party. But not only that, he will be playing Minutemen songs! To hear Watt play Minutemen songs, a band that hasn't existed in 18 years would be magical. For those interested, an mp3 of one of their songs is available.
11:56 AM PST
Wednesday, January 8, 2003
» Some literary sleuthing through On The Road by Jack Kerouac brought photographer Paul Verizzo to Longmont, Colorado, to the gas station where Jack most likely stopped.
07:54 AM PST
Tuesday, January 7, 2003
» I used Apple Computers when I was first learning my way around a computer. My parents bought an Apple II+, which at the time was such a novelty that it warranted a show-and-tell at my brother's grade school. Later we went on to an Apple IIGS.
But, after that it was all PCs.
Today I spent almost an hour watching the MacWorld keynote address, and I've begun to be drawn in again. A brand new browser claiming speeds 40% faster than IE, an affordable PowerBook were the most interesting announcements. And I think I've started to understand the zealotry of Mac users, especially with the slickness of OS X and the way hardware just works, without the headaches of PCs (like the 4 hours it took to get a simple wireless network up last night).
01:16 PM PST
» Surfing is a year-round sport, no matter the weather.
09:39 AM PST
Monday, January 6, 2003
» Now settled back in Portland after a time spent home that could be described as no less than wonderful and relaxing.
Today's highlight included the mailman bringing 2 weeks of held mail which included checks, bills, magazines, music (thanks Travis>), and Day #1 of training.
This photo is magical.
01:57 PM PST