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05/12/2003 Entry: "Baker Botts LLP"
I received a Spam today:
To Whom it may concern:
I represent a client who claims that you are in violation of his trademark "skatedork". He is willing to sell you the rights to use the Skatedork name for $7,500.
If this is agreeable please get back to me at your earliest convenience. If not, I will file all necessary documentation to stop you from using the the registered name.
David Hanson , ESQ.
I was quite convinced of its authenticity at first, but then realized that no lawyer would send a cease and desist like this through e-mail. Further investigation revealed that the return e-mail address: david.hanson@bakerbottsllp.com didn't exist and that no one named David Hanson worked at the firm. What was interesting was that Baker Botts LLP is a real law firm that does deal with trademark issues. This was certainly one of the more convincing spams I've received (and one of the few I've read in a long time).
My only question is, why send this from an e-mail address that, if replied to, will bounce? (Just for the record, the headers revealed the actual return e-mail address: Return-Path: sharp1@tonga.dnsrouter.com)