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10/18/2002 Entry: "it's about skateboarding"
"Outsiders peering in to the closed world of skateboarding wonder where the devotion comes from... To my mind, what is engaging about skating is that it is a metaphor for life... It will teach you the difference between courage and vanity, it demonstrates that power is nothing without control. She rewards hard work and perseverance, and short-cutting in application will get you shown the horizontal door. Style over content are the emperor's new clothes, while quiet and clear truth resonates like a clarion...
Disappointment and frustration serve to temper our overleaping ambition and season our dreams of majesty with the earthy taste of humility... the victory of optimism over experience is the engine room of skating. It underlines the importance of bringing a taste of awe and wonderment to a compromised and adult world. " Nial Neelson, Slap Magazine