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09/16/2002 Entry: "the time is 7AM"
Getting up early has rarely been something I've done with any consistency. Yet, as Charlene starts her Fall semester, with 7:30AM classes each morning, it looks like I'll be sort of forced into it.
Today was the first 6:30AM rising, then driving Charlene to school, and then I'm back in front of my computer, at 7:15AM. It was stunning, within an hour I had finished all of my "must-do" work for the day, and was free to spend my day as I pleased.
I started by scanning in some photos from my Spain trip, then took a long walk to investigate some leads on a photo essay I'm working on, then I was back home, and it had just passed noon. Now, three hours later, it continues to be one of my most productive days in a long time. Despite my initial groanings this morning (to which Charlene can attest), getting up early is fantastic, and I'm honestly excited about doing it for the rest of this year.