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09/04/2002 Entry: "Salamanca, here we come"

on the road to Salamanca
Replies: [C.1]
This photo reminds me of when I lived in Puerto Rico and we had clotheslines. We lived in military housing and everyone had clotheslines like ours, on these metal poles that were painted white, but chipping. I was short then, and so I would try to jump up and grab the line and pull it down, because I was a kid on vacation, and that's what you do. My mom would always tell me to stop.
I was thinking the other day about how I have a dryer and I use it, but with the summer as hot and dry as it is, I really don't need it and can start drying my laundry outdoors.
All strange, but that's what the photo reminds me of. I also like the color of the crates mixed in with the white sheets and all that grass...
Posted by joan @ 09/07/2002 10:23 PM PST