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04/24/2002 Entry: "Best Buy, Worst Company"
I'm going to take the consumer advocate platform for a minute here, and give a statement: "Never, ever, ever buy anything from Best Buy." After Best Buy posted a good deal on a pre-order for a new video card, a ton of people bought it, excited to give the company their money for a high-end piece of hardware. These people received numerous confirmation e-mails, and some even called to ensure that the product listing was not a typo.
One man in Georgia went to his local Best Buy with his receipts printed from the site, and other pertaining information he needed, in order to buy the card. He talked to a woman at customer service, then the general manager, then, he was arrested.
This might be written off as a one-time incident, if Best Buy wasn't in the habit of treating its customers like criminals.