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03/05/2002 Entry: "What About Me?"

A web site needed a photo to accompany an article on digital photography that I'm writing for them. This first idea, of me standing in front of a wall, with one of my slides being projected onto me was neat, or at least I thought it was. What killed the idea (after it had been carried out) was that the photo needed to be black and white, and only about 130 pixels square.
The other interesting thing that happened today was that I got a snotty rejection e-mail from the editor at Popular Photography for an article I proposed to them. I thought it was a rather creative, interesting topic, whereas the guy who wrote me did a figurative waving of his hand and blowing me off. The sad thing is that PP is a terrible photography magazine that recycles the same articles year after year, and I've yet to read any sort of negative review of any equipment they look at. Just a bunch of sniveling industry kiss-asses.
On the other hand, one might make a strong connection between my being rejected by them, and my newfound dislike of the magazine.