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02/13/2002 Entry: "Same old song and dance"
After listening to the same 100 or so songs for the last 4 months, I've found myself thoroughly tired of them, they're not exciting or inspiring anymore.
So, if anyone has any musical suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Really, anything.
Replies: [C.7]
Slackjaw, Slackjaw, Slackjaw. They're from Portland.
If you're in more of a mellow mood, Olive.
Ben Folds/Ben Folds Five is always a good idea.
Posted by joan @ 02/21/2002 08:34 PM PST
jazzanova, fela kuti, tahiti 80, squarepusher, enon
or something more rough...limpwrist, meshuggah, backstabbers inc, the new rocket from the crypt, etc
keep it real steve
Posted by ben @ 02/21/2002 09:25 AM PST
you've got a great site here... love your photos. have you every heard of jeremiah's grotto... damn they're good. from Florida. check them out on mp3.com.
Posted by nak @ 02/19/2002 05:53 AM PST
check out the silver jews if you haven't heard them already. the most recent two albums, bright flight and american water, are excellent - strange, interesting lyrics.
Posted by t.s. @ 02/18/2002 08:50 PM PST
I'm not sure if you've heard them or not, but Thursday are really good. I really suggest picking up "Full Collapse". Anything by Modest Mouse is good. As is Cursive or Bright Eyes (if you don't have it, you NEED "Fevers and Mirrors".
Posted by Jeremy @ 02/16/2002 10:38 AM PST
you've mentioned that you like rainer maria, try Wei Ji. I got their self titled cd a while back and it's pretty good. also, Operation: Cliff Clavin and The Devil Is Electric (ex op:cc) have been gotten a lot of play from me. I got a Jeff Ott tape from microcosm, it's from the book tour he did. it's fairly decent.
Posted by Lusyphur @ 02/14/2002 01:02 PM PST
you've mentioned that you like rainer maria, try Wei Ji. I got their self titled cd a while back and it's pretty good. also, Operation: Cliff Clavin and The Devil Is Electric (ex op:cc) have been gotten a lot of play from me. I got a Jeff Ott tape from microcosm, it's from the book tour he did. it's fairly decent.
Posted by Lusyphur @ 02/14/2002 01:01 PM PST