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01/22/2002 Entry: "Draft"
The Universal Military Training and Service Act of 2001, if passed in the House of Representatives would require that men between the ages of 18 and 22 serve one year of military education. While I doubt that this will pass, the idea of mandatory military service is a scary thing, maybe it's time to look into applying for CO status.
Replies: [C.5]
You people are the most pathetic sons of bitches. How can you goddamn live with yourselves if you ignore your duties?
Posted by Soldier @ 02/24/2002 01:33 AM PST
get into canada become a "conciencious canadian" co status is needed, why should we fight a war against terrorism when we are being just as injust as the terrorists?
Posted by Josh @ 01/29/2002 08:28 AM PST
what's the cost of living in britain again? getting out of the us is looking better and better.
Posted by Lusyphur @ 01/27/2002 12:31 AM PST
what's the cost of living in britain again? getting out of the us is looking better and better.
Posted by Lusyphur @ 01/27/2002 12:30 AM PST
why am I so reminded of 'Swing Kids' when I read that article?
It's absurd that this even gets considered when something as simple and needed as the CARE Act is ignored.
Posted by joan @ 01/22/2002 08:17 PM PST