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01/07/2002 Entry: "JKS"
And I think a form of music like punk rock is especially essential right now. It's just really important for that alternative viewpoint to be there, even if it's just a kind of visceral reaction to the kind of blanket -- you know, the insane narrowing of opinion that's been occurring lately. So, I think that music has a role to play. I haven't thought about it too much -- I haven't intellectualized it. I know that in the weeks after I didn't want to play music at all, but since then I really have wanted to. I'm not sure why...
From an interview with John Sampson of the Weakerthans.
Replies: [C.1]
i think that Bunk Mock is much better than Punk Rock and it's emphasis on materialism, superficiality and racism is a breath of fresh air compared to the down-to-earth, tolerant and wholesome attitude of today's society.
Posted by jim argyle @ 01/12/2002 06:56 PM PST