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12/13/2001 Entry: "many rivers to cross..."
Problems with commenting have been fixed.
And I would love some participation.
I'll start, my name's Steve, I'm 23 years old, I live in Portland, Oregon. In the past three weeks, I've applied for the following jobs: Assistant Librarian, Web Design Professor at local Community College, Seasonal Santa Photographer, Web Designer at local medical school, and Assistant Editor/Photographer at environmental organization.
I have yet to be contacted by any of these places.
One thing I've found useful since moving to Portland is having a calendar.
In the next three months I hope to take lots of photos, put out another issue of Skatedork, and learn to skateboard better.
I never thought I would buy a filing cabinet.
Yesterday, people found this site by typing in the following search terms, "buying disposable underwear", "rainer maria lyrics portland", "making a plexiglass aquarium" and "foggy and gloomy street pictures".
I think that's it, it's your turn.
Replies: [C.3]
i actually meant to say i applied in the summer of 2000. Unless I have somehow discovered the secret to time travel...
Posted by joan @ 12/13/2001 10:58 PM PST
Time might tell on that assistant librarian one.
I applied for a library job at the beginning of the summer of 2001. No response all year. Then, one fateful day in late January I got a call for an interview at the library. I went in, dazzled them with my charm and wit (and my willingness to accept their pay, maybe) and I started in Feburary.
If you do end up working at a library, I suggest making friends with the Technical Services people. They're the first to get all the new materials and if they like you, you can probably put early holds on books and the like with minimal hassle.
Posted by joan @ 12/13/2001 10:13 PM PST
things you need to do:
a) use new-jersey-suburb-kid attitude to boss around employers, ie intimidate them so much that you receive the job
b) update Skatedork with those pictures taken by Aaaron Stein of that ever-so-dreamy Phil Jackson character. i hear Aaron has his own darkroom now, too. but that's just the word on the street...
c) skate the filing cabinet, perhaps learning some more dork tricks.
Posted by Jim Argyle @ 12/13/2001 04:02 PM PST