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12/10/2001 Entry: "differences"
I've gotten the wonderful GreyMatter up and working (goodbye Blogger). That means you can do things like leave comments on what I write, or just continue reading like you always have. Even better, since the program runs on my own site, there's no worries about Blogger being down as it continues to grow so quickly.
So what we've (by that I mean I've) got is no more excuses for a more complete (and updated) record of what I think is interesting, what is not interesting, photography, writing scratched in cement, and links to honest and inspiring conversations like this one.
Replies: [C.2]
Sure thing. The funny thing is that I only knew of him through that link, but I want to check out motherless brooklyn now.
Posted by steve @ 12/11/2001 01:45 PM PST
I really like Jonathan Lethem. Thanks for posting that. Greymatter is nice.
I think that's all I have to say. yup.
Posted by joan @ 12/11/2001 11:53 AM PST