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"If I said we'll have lesbian carpenters run the world, you would say I'm crazy. Well, what percentage of the world are rich, white millionaires?" -Kevin Danaher on the A16 protests.    3:23:10 PM

Summer classes get me up at 6AM and seem to find me not so full of words to write. So I fall back on what others have written. Aaron Cometbus speaks. Kerouac the racist? Eh... not even that works, schooltime.    3:59:18 AM

Charles Beard argues that the Constitution was written in a way to ensure our country's founders great wealth and prosperity.    3:45:35 AM


I support ethical pie-throwing.    7:29:10 PM

The first issue of Ms. Magazine came out in 1972 and included a poem by Sylvia Plath, as well as an interesting editorial. In it, the writer argues for the introduction of three new words into the english language in order to handle in singular what 'they, their and them' means in plural. The table below which I copied from the magazine explains it better. Thirty years have passed since this article, and unfortunately, it hasn't caught on. It certainly would've made writing essays for school a bit easier.

Distinct Gender
Common Gender
Common Gender
he and she
his and her
him and her
    7:10:48 PM

I just received the new Emigre magazine and am blown away by their crazy design. I've never been impressed by the fonts, but I guess I'm not excited about fonts that are meant for readability, I'm more interested in the ones made from 19th century wooden stamps, then photocopied 12 times over.    1:33:09 PM


When you're 21 and living at home, you can't completely avoid those people from high school. When you meet them you realize that they are still the same, and you still don't relate to them at all, and conversation still is weird, but now shares no common ground like going to the same damn school.

I saw some little kids skateboarding and I was more psyched to go talk to them than stand around and recount high school marching band memories which don't seem to have much relevance to anything in my life. But maybe I'm just terrible at making small talk, and didn't really like these people in the first place, I don't know.    9:15:28 AM


Quote of the day: Charlene and I were walking on the boardwalk on the New Jersey shore eating a large, bready pretzel and drinking lemonade, and she looks around and says, "They should have cockfighting here."    7:33:45 PM

Sometimes, I think my friend Mark has more fun than I do.    10:24:15 AM

Writing in odd places.    10:21:11 AM

Asbury Park, NJ is a shore town just north of some of the richest shore towns in New Jersey. For whatever reason, it has been largely ignored, and left to decay. There are relics on the boardwalk that show its previous splendor. I really have a thing for rundown places, I think they're really intriguing, and I'm interested in seeing little parts of the past that have been largely untouched by the present. It appears that the town won't be rundown for long, massive funding is going to bring the town into the 21st century. So today we go and record the past before we lose it.    9:16:35 AM


I'm only partially through this, but amazed.    8:05:19 PM

The problem with voting in the presidential election is that by doing so, you are endorsing the system that is currently in place, and I personally am not at all comfortable with the election process. I've always been surprised that the electoral college gets away with choosing who wins the presidency. Sure, they can vote for the candidate that the majority of the people in their state voted for, but they can also not, it's their choice, not yours. With that said, I'm voting Nader in 2000, who is a great candidate with an amazing running mate.    10:37:50 AM


I'm a big fan of root beer, but I think most of the mass-produced stuff tastes crappy. In my searching for the perfect brew, I came across Anthony's root beer reviews. He didn't mentioned my favorite though, Santa Cruz Organics Root Beer, but maybe he's not such a health food store yuppie like me and hasn't seen it yet.    4:14:38 PM

My parents got me this globe for Christmas about six years ago. Inside were plants, snails, and small water insects. The idea was that it could be a self-sustaining ecosystem, in that each thing in the tank depending on something else. All the globe needed was some sunlight. I hadn't really looked at it in a couple of years, and my mom had been asking me if I wanted to get rid of it. But today, I held it up to the light, looked in, and saw a couple of green plants, and these tiny little bugs swimming around. It's been six years, and I'm amazed.    11:08:58 AM

"I realized that my reading of space had been culturally conditioned. I wasn't seeing but merely looking, contriving to fit the world in front of me into what I 'knew' to be the established order of space. This perspective conditioning was so insidious that I was unconsciously wrapping the image of what I was looking at over the 'model' and then convincing myself that is what I saw. When I sat down in front of a mass of trees I tried to empty myself of the 'model' and draw what I actually saw, the field of vision as one entity. The sustained process of drawing became one moment. This is what I saw not what I thought I should see. The world explains itself." from Bareback: A Tomato Project.    10:56:24 AM

I think people ignore processes and their beauty. Each morning when I make tea, I like turning on the gas stove, placing the teapot full of cold water on it, then putting some tea in my cup and going back to my computer to wait for it to boil. When I hear the water boil, I picked the teapot up with a rag since it's hot, and pour the water into the cup of tea leaves. Four or five minutes later, the tea has turned either a delicious amber brown, or a haikuish pale green and with a scoop of sugar, is ready to drink. The pattern of movements in preparing tea in the morning is a smaller pattern in the pattern of life, and I think there is this incredible satisfaction in smaller routines like this one both in their simplicity and their minute details.    10:47:58 AM


Sometimes it really hits me. I'm twenty-one, have one more year of college, then it's time to make decisions about where my life is headed. I make web pages, but my ideals put a sort of wall up between myself and an office tech job. I go back and forth, between a strong interest in monetary security and a desire to make something important of my life, and do something that will exist beyond my lifetime. I'm not sure what that thing is. I have a teacher who set up a national park in africa, I know people who publish amazing zines and connect with others all over the world. These people have stepped up and taken a different path that might have caused them a loss of security but has also afforded them the freedom to pursue their own interests and live a life that is memorable and inspiring.    9:26:38 PM

"Walking through the bushes, the hidden trails underneath the tangles of freeway in the Oakland Hills. We used to run along here smeared with blackberries for warpaint, chasing and laughing through the ivy, kissing as we slid down the steep dirt slopes. We used to talk about living here, in a secret spot I'd found. Not just romantic, it was practical, we had nowhere else to go. Then, living in a lean-to in the bushes sounded romantic even alone. Now it would just be lonely. Lonesome.

One of those tricks life plays on you. Get older and they call your anger bitterness. Your alienation becomes a burden instead of a badge of pride. Oh, I don't know, maybe we could live there together still, make stir-fry on the coleman stove and walk on down to the library in the mornings. But you wouldn't want to do it now, and what's worse, maybe I wouldn't either. Something of the innocence is gone." -Cometbus #45    6:12:16 PM

A new photo. Not mine, but a friend's, who is enormously more talented than me.    6:29:36 AM


Back in suburban New Jersey, it's unbelievably green and quiet, and there's pretty birds. We went to a pet store today and looked at eastern spotted newts and touched a quiet parrot's beak as it clung to its perch watching us. I think the hardest part of the move was getting all my plants together and keeping them from being squished in my volvo as we drove four hours north. The only damage appears to be some missing soil and a couple of smooshed leaves that, with a little water seem to be rebounding.    2:19:49 PM


I've been skateboarding a long time, but this article said all of the things that I was never able to explain about how amazing it is to interact with an urban environment the way you do on a piece of curved wood with four wheels. An extended version of this article appeared in my zine.    7:23:27 AM

Another gray day, but on this one, I'm packing up my clothing, computer, tea leaves, weakerthans cd and skateboard for a summer-long trip home to New Jersey.    7:20:20 AM


Today's helpful hint: NYTimes' website sucks because you have to register with a login/pw before being able to see news stories. I've just found out that if you replace the 'www' part of the URL with 'partners' you no longer have to register.    5:47:54 PM


I realized that I shouldn't be so wordy, but one other thing to remark about Albright's speech. She had this weird "girl power" type thing going on. As in, she remarked, "I know some people disagree with having me as a speaker, I mean, if I had a choice of speakers, I'd probably choose Denzel Washington or Tom Cruise." Brilliant, Ms. Albright, nice attempt to marginalize the dissenters and to appeal to us appearance-crazed college students, I'll bet your speech-writer was really happy with him/herself about that. Yes, I'm angry.    2:39:55 PM

Madeleine Albright gave the commencement address at my school's graduation today. A friend of mine (of who I am immensely proud for her actions) walked out when Albright began speaking along with about ten other students. At the beginning of the speech, a man walked up the aisle about five feet away from me and began loudly questioning her role in the sanctions against Iraq. He was met with incredible hostility as parents and relatives yelled at him to sit down/leave etc. He struck me as being incredibly strong and courageous and quietly walked away after he had said his piece. Many people thought that, for whatever problem people have with her, that they should not interrupt a graduation ceremony to voice their opinions because it is disrespectful and ruining people's "special day." Such an argument seems incredibly selfish and small-minded to me. It may be disrespectful to interrupt a graduation ceremony, but compare the level of harm done by that to the level of harm caused by Albright's actions. Over one hundred children die each day because medical supplies and other necessities of life are denied to the Iraqi people under US sanctions. Before the sanctions, the country of Iraq had medical facilities that were as good if not better than those of the United States, now, when people become very sickly, the most doctors can do is make them comfortable and watch them die.

But don't take my word for it. Recently, five members of the US Congress went to Iraq, and reported on the effect of the sanctions (I especially recommend reading after the heading, "Medical Conditions.".    2:27:26 PM


Along that same rant, I'm convinced that people who use the term "real world" as in, "C'mon now Steve, eventually you're going to have to give up these ideals and become a part of the real world," are speaking about a notion of conformity and a desertion of any feelings of passion and strong beliefs. The real world immediately implies to me that at some point you need to compromise what's important to you in order to push buttons, or talk on phones, or do something else that earns you money, but that you dislike doing. What the hell kind of sense does that make? I think people really get caught up in the idea of security and are afraid of taking any risk that may threaten the normal life they live, or even more so, aren't aware of what it is to live a life without material security, and shy away from it specifically because it is foreign to them. Helen Keller wrote, "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature.... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."     9:12:20 PM

Sometimes, admitting that something is going to happen is enough to prevent it from happening. I attended my school's graduation ceremonies today, and a political science teacher started his speech by saying something like, "Graduation speeches have the distinction of being completely forgotten by everyone." He went on to talk about the great gap between the wealthy and the poor, and how the incredible economic times we live in are only really benefitting a small percentage of the people in this country. Even more interestingly, he spoke about how college teaches us to be good, efficient workers, but twenty years ago if someone said that, they would be met with outrage, to them college was about receiving an education, period. I remembered what he said, and don't remember a thing from any of the other speakers. Honestly, they all had basically the same bullshit speech about the promise of the future, how it's up to us to determine the direction this nation is headed in, and a lot of other things that I'm sure I don't want to be any part of. Maybe their words applied to some people, even the majority of the people, but it seemed to me that the speakers were essentially patting themselves on their collective backs for the great job they'd done in preparing the students for the "real world."    9:06:06 PM


The envelope was addressed to "Current Single Resident" and the outside read, "Options for finding others: Singles Bars. Blind Dates. Or a more dignified alternative." Inside was a questionnaire, both about yourself, and about the person you were seeking. The company is called Great Expectations (cute...), and their catchphrase is "We make meeting single people easier." The idea of relying upon someone else, especially a commercial enterprise to make a decision about your personal relationships is highly questionable. Why would you trust a company whose sole purpose is to make money to know what's best for you in your love life? Sure, maybe this has worked for some people and they've met, fallen in love, gotten married and lived happy lives, but even so, why would someone pursue this avenue if they're interesting in meeting someone? I don't understand.    6:01:23 PM

Char and I were walking through DC one night and we heard music, so we followed it into a building plaza of sorts, looked into a window, and saw a wedding going on. Inside was quite dark, but we could see the bride and groom, and this really drunk woman as well as a bunch of other people milling about and dancing. It seemed like I was watching a movie in that I felt detached from what we were seeing. Later we almost built up the nerve to go in and steal some cake, but instead settled for a piece of purple wedding ribbon.    5:56:15 AM


Rant #14: I greatly dislike these gourmet delis around the Washington, DC that cater to the business crowd for breakfast and lunch. They're sterile, overpriced, and seem to think that adding roasted red peppers to a sandwich is a good reason to charge $6 for it. They all have these stupid sandwich name themes that somehow relate to the name of the deli, and I think they're designed to embarass the people who are ordering them.    10:19:10 PM

Char and I went to the NPR building today for a tour. It was informative and I recommend it to anyone visiting DC. We got to see the large high-tech toasters where they heated up rotting audio tapes in order to restore them before conversion to digital format. Charlene was hoping to see Diane Rehm, but instead we settled for a photo of her in the lobby. Interestingly, the tour guide mentioned forthcoming FCC regulations that will allow community radio stations with limited range to be formed at a reasonable cost. NPR's position was that these stations need to be carefully monitored to ensure they don't block out other stations (like NPR). While NPR does seem to have a community aspect, it's interesting that they're concerned with other community stations, and are interesting in being THE community station.    10:12:04 PM

I woke up for two years to a song by Alkaline Trio. It was appropriately loud and gave me a little boost of adrenaline as I stretched from the end of my bed to reach the stereo and turn down the volume. For two years I needed to be scared out of my sleep, and even then sometimes I was able to sleep through this music alarm. As of about two weeks ago, I've changed my tune. When I saw Rainer Maria, they ended with the song Rise, but their album begins with it, and subsequently, begins my day. Instead of a rather blistering guitar riff, I open my eyes to soft melody and even softer vocals that give me a couple of minutes to wake up, without the rush to turn the damn stereo off.

I think it's a change for the better.    9:52:47 PM


I took a photograph yesterday, and I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Go CVS 1-Hour Photo.    7:15:47 PM

I find this beautiful and amazing. The print magazine has more (and better) examples of his work, but this one's pretty amazing. The first is leaves wrapped around sticks using water, the second is the same, but with the leaves done in a gradient from brown to black. The usage of nature exclusively as your art is an idea I hadn't considered.    6:21:27 PM

"We all have our roles in history. Mine is clouds." -Richard Brautigan    5:46:39 AM


My rant yesterday came from talking with my anthropology teacher whose house I had dinner at last night. He comes from a deliberately non-technological background, but still is able to put forth some amazing thought on the implications of the Internet and of communication through digital networks. The thoughts and questions are more his than mine, but have been on my mind since I discussed these issues with him, and I'm not sure I've reached any sort of conclusion.    9:13:03 PM

I've developed a real liking of having some green in my room. None of my plants take much care beyond keeping their soil moist, and for that little work I'm given beautiful flowers, herbs for tea, and in the case of this coffee plant, beautiful waxy leaves and maybe a couple of coffee beans next year.
    9:04:37 PM

Some words from others.

"There is nothing that might be against them: no yesterday, no morrow; for time is shattered. And they flower from its ruins." -Rainer Maria Rilke

"Many flavors to choose from, but I picked the familiar vanilla every time. Like coffee, what good is there in fooling around and adding flavors? Variety is the spice of life, not the sustenance." -Aaron Cometbus

    O that moon last night!
No wonder everyone needs
    An afternoon nap. -Teitoku

"People have (with the help of conventions) oriented all their solutions towards the easy and toward the easiest side of the easy; but it is clear that we must hold to what is difficult; everything alive holds to it, everything in nature grows and defends itself in its own way and is characteristicallyl and spontaneously itself, seeks at all costs to be so and against all opposition... that something is difficult must be a reason the more for us to do it." -Rilke    12:05:16 PM


Where do electronic friendships fit into your life?

Is there something beneficial enough in them that they're worth sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time maintaining them? The personality of a hand-written words is lost, just the words on a screen, that's the relationship. All body or voices cues that can give insight into a person's true feelings (which are often far from what they are literally saying) don't exist. Is this sort of relationship worth maintaining over a relationship that one finds in face to face interaction? What is fulfilling about this kind of relationship, and why would one take the time to pursue it instead of pursuing relationships of people they see from day to day?

Ok, you get to share things in a semi-anonymous, I'm-never-going-to-meet-this-person-type of way, and that may make it easier to say something that you wouldn't say to someone in real life. But if you want to be candid, get a diary. I think there's some sort of ego stroking going on in writing to someone online in that you are maintaining some sort of relationship in a medium that most people have been using less than five years. People take an interest in how they want to portray themselves, what words will elicit what reactions from people. Since words are the only connection, it is vitally important to people that they write in a way that shows them to be how they want to be seen. Then the question arises, is the person shaping the words, or the words the person?

This applies to these web logs because they often appear to be egotistically motivated, and do not seem to be of any real purpose. What is the real benefit in sharing my thoughts with a group of anonymous strangers and maybe the occasional person who knows me? Is something to be gained by that besides a smug satisfaction that I'm another cynical, apolitical webdork who possesses enough computer savvy to write something and have it appear on a webpage? I'm connecting with people all over the world, but wouldn't it be more beneficial to seek out and have real life connections with people? Do you value your friendships that you have in person more, or those you have on-line? I'm not convinced that people have many unselfish reasons for what they do on the Internet, and I'm not a believer of the philosophy that selfish interests are fine. Still, I'm optimistic that somewhere there is something good to be done with the Internet, specifically things I'm involved with a lot: e-mail and webpages. I'm just not sure where that good lies, and how to use it. Thoughts?    9:20:53 PM


Too weird. http://www.fugazi.com redirects to Amazon.    7:35:37 PM

Richard Brautigan is a wonderful writer. Three years ago, while in high school, I did one of my first websites(which geocities curiously doesn't bill me for anymore), and wrote this about him. His daughter, Ianthe has a book coming out this month about her father, which looks like it will be excellent. The same publishing house is also releasing an unpublished work of Brautigan, called An Unfortunate Woman: A Journey that was written shortly before he killed himself in 1984.    6:20:28 PM

I just wrote a long message on here about this incredible thunderstorm I saw outside my window, with lightning like nothing I've known, while at the same time there was this massive orange sunset going on to the right (of my line of view). When I pressed Post, I saw some weird ODBC error, damn.    5:34:57 PM

Hard drive failure and internet connection down... one ugly day. I awoke this morning at 7 AM to my second hard drive making a clanging sound. Never again will I buy factory refurbished.    2:43:55 PM


We saw Jonah tonight and he sang "Don't be lukewarm." I forget sometimes that it's worth being passionate about things that you love and find fulfilling, without a care if other people think it's wrong.    9:38:31 PM

Daniel Quinn wrote Ishmael, a book that changed my personal view of the world, something that also happened when I heard punk rock for the first time. Bob Conrad, who did the amazing Second Guess zine conducted an interview with Daniel Quinn regarding punk and other things, it's a great read.    3:05:13 PM

I think cynicism is the virus of our generation. No, no links for this.    11:59:57 AM

Wired.com says "Ford: SUVs Unsafe SUVs, those gas-guzzling road hogs that carry self-absorbed yuppies and harried soccermoms to and fro, are bad for the environment and unsafe to boot. That comes from no less an authority than Ford Motor Co., which admitted to its shareholders Thursday that the sports utility vehicle both pollutes the air and -- because of inherent design flaws -- is a danger to other motorists. But the SUV is also damned profitable, so Ford will just keep on making 'em. That's capitalism, baby." I didn't see this on the Ford website anywhere, but found this.    9:49:46 AM

Tonight is Jonah's Onelinedrawing. Curious? MP3 here.    7:08:45 AM


I really can't decide if this is more funny or offensive. People in DC generally ignore the homeless, I guess they do that everywhere. When I'm out skateboarding, I interact with a lot of people sleeping around the buildings whose ledges I act on with my skateboard. The people I've talked to are generally honest, sincere and a lot more interested in conversation than in asking for money.    11:45:04 AM

I've been cooking recently, to the surprise of my mom and just about everyone else who knows me. Yesterday, in searching for recipes for cookies, I found out how to make my own coffee drinks that taste like Frappuccinos along with a lot of other crazy recipes (twinkie filling!?). I'm through with buying my caffeinated drinks from companies that put the local coffeeshops out of business, but I still think the drinks tasted good and I'm curious how this homebrewed concoction tastes. Did you know Starbucks is owned by Philip Morris?    8:08:52 AM


I added a new photo. It's the sunset picture I wanted to have below, but that I couldn't find at the time. Nature has a way of shocking us all.    7:45:03 PM

The charm of the cafe near me is that every single day when I stop in for an iced chai, it gets made differently. A couple of days ago, they poured the chai mix (hardly authentic, but damn good) in with some hot water, mixed it up, added ice, and then filled it to the top with skim milk. Yesterday, no water, but frothy milk, then ice until it topped off. Today, the chai mix, ice, and milk were thrown in a blender, blended for about three minutes (as the line behind me slowly grew), and I got some sort of chai smoothie out of it. I'm not sure I need much of a routine in my life, but it's weird and humorous that the people can be consistently inconsistent. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.    9:27:21 AM


During my freshman year of college, I would routinely stay up until 4 or 5 o' clock, abusing my fast internet connection and trying to get my computer science homework done. I'd usually call it a night when the alleyway my room looked out onto began to turn a grayish blue in the morning. I remember a couple of times, I'd have my window slightly open, and a pigeon would land on the window sill. We'd stare at each other for a minute or two, no more than a foot apart from each other. The pigeon would coo and turn its head to get a better look at this strange, sleep-deprived person before it flew away and I was left to my computer and the unforgiving and inherently evil Ada programming language. What's weird is that two years later, I'm not sure I'm capable of staying up past 2. I tend to get to bed around 12, and get up at 8. I think my abolishing coffee from my diet is one of the main reasons behind this, as well as a newfound happiness in walking around the city in the morning.    10:25:55 PM

Since last August, I've been living in an apartment that affords me a sunset every evening. On cloudy days the change is subtle, as the grays slowly deepen with maybe the faintest yellow hue sinking below the horizon of trees and buildings. On other evenings, the sky screams with reds, oranges and yellows that remind me of Jackson Pollock or a New England forest in autumn. However the sun sets, it brings a sort of quietness to the city beyond the police sirens and honking horns.    5:23:18 PM


I love rundown, forgotten places. I'm intrigued by the quietness where there was once motion and noise and lives being led.    8:36:41 PM

Call me crazy, but I want a flexible keyboard.    10:25:42 AM


After listening to At the Drive-In for awhile, I realized that what I like most about their music is that it is absolutely fearless.    11:45:29 AM

For $14, I get a hair cutter who repeatedly ignores my requests that she keep it long on top, and just shorten the sides. In about ten minutes, I go from:


My hopes of having long shaggy hair have been dashed, I guess I'll have to wait another four months for my hair to grow back.    10:47:32 AM

A great (though a little out-dated) Ian MacKaye interview.    8:52:15 AM


Letter of Resignation
                         I'd Rather Be Flag-Burning

                         Takes a dried up ballpoint, lemon juice and water,
                         keeps diary invisibly.
                         In the kitchen corner of a basement bachelor suite,
                         there's a certain search for certainty,
                         you know we'll never see her hands touch her
                         childhood home in photos that she took.
                         It's one more omission from a highschool history
                         how whole lives are knifed and pushed aside.
                         To whom it may concern...this is to inform...yours,
                         sincerly yours...
                         There's a bus that's leaving half an hour from now.
                         It won't take her where she really wants to go.
                         So she sits there with her luggage at her side.
                         In the empty stations of our empty lives.
                         Take a broken bottle, take a rafter beam,
                         or take a needle and a tarnished spoon.
                         All just words to kill off one more unheard statement
                         in another dying afternoon;
                         she says she's leaving soon.
                         So so long to ten hour shifts and faking sympathies.
                         Farewell to piles of bills, unpaid utilities.
                         All rolled up and unfurled like a flag.
                         Wake up and pack your bag...
                         "It's like being sick all the time, I think, coming home
                         from work,
                         /sick in that low-grade continuous way that makes you
                         what it's like to be well.
                         we have never in our lives known/what it is to be well.
                         what if I were coming home,
                         I think,/from doing work that I loved and that was for
                         us all,
                         what/if I looked at the houses and the air and the
                         knowing/they were in accord, not set against us,
                         what if we knew the powers/of this country moved to
                         provide for us and for all people-/how would that be-
                         how would we feel and think/and what would we
                         create? -John Sampson 
    11:04:42 AM

You Can't Do That On Television had this reocurring skit with this one girl whose name I don't remember. She would stand there and threaten to pull down her pants, and there would be all of this tension building up to it and just as she was about to do it, someone would run out and stop here, saying YCDTOT, and it would end, and my adolescent hopes of seeing some skin on Nickelodeon would again be thwarted.

If I were a recreating this scene today I'd have her say, "My username is _____ and my password is.." and just as she was saying that, someone would run out and stop her.

Because it's a new way of completely baring yourself that would be not so good, just like this analogy.    9:09:49 AM


It's difficult to make sense of all that I saw on A16, and I'm not sure that there is sense to be made. There was a massive cleanup on Tuesday in which people tried their best to make it look like nothing happened during the preceding weekend. Spraypaint around the Gap accusing it of sweatshop labor practices was covered with a neutral color that nearly completely blocked it out. Around the university, the glorious spraypainting that was done is completely covered up. Ten years from now the university is going to be talking about what exciting times these were, with George Washington University being at the center of the protests. What they won't mention is how they shut down all the dorms, not allowing anyone who didn't live there inside. They also probably won't bring up how no one was allowed in any of the GW buildings without their plastic student ID which identified them.    9:12:03 AM

When I'm not doing others things, I play with photoshop, and make campaign posters for my presidency.

    8:46:02 AM


You haven't really lived until you've heard Fugazi's Waiting Room, in MIDI.


    6:29:01 PM


"In the movement of trees I find my own agitation" -Wallace Stevens

Quiet desperation, but not here in the city, rather, forty miles outside, on another beltway stop, the orange sky making the afternoon slowly die to evening and dinner and sleep. It is quiet, and moreso, silent. Sadness all throughout, with people who forget what it is to say what they really feel, and the freedom one gets from that. Relationships remain because the people are still there, each keeping busy with themselves with an urgency that doesn't allow time for thinking or writing down things on paper. No more eating chocolate at midnight except when it means unfulfillment.

You think certain things that make you think you are different from other people, and those things allow you to compromise pieces of your life, because you think you know that you still are true to yourself and to what you believe in. But then you forget about your actions, about what it is that defines you to other people, and those thoughts in your head don't mean to much anymore, because they stay in your head, and don't become anything. Application.

    9:58:07 PM

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